Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Friday

Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile know how I love to give myself little challenges. Yesterday I thought to myself how tired I am of digging through the really ugly jewelry. This stuff is just plain ugly. I pull it all out on the table and told myself to make something or throw it away.
Waxed linen just happened to be in that same box and that was just perfect.
So I made a pouch out of the waxed linen and then began to embellish.
That little gold piece was an earring.
This is what I came up with. I would by no means call this a masterpiece, but I thought considering the junk it turned out pretty good. I'll wear it! The DH was not to crazy about it, but I never listen to him anyway.LOL.
Have a great weekend!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Did you hear about the party?

The French Faeries are gathering, the guests are arriving and a sweet giveaway is planned. You will need to go here Kaerie Faerie to find out date and time


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Paper Tape Roses

The tape was sitting on the table, so I picked up a piece and just started playing and this is what came out of my play time. I ended up making four sets of three. I have never seen anyone make these, so I did a search for paper tape roses. I found roses made of crepe paper and duck tape, but no paper tape. I am sure it has been done. I made them like you would ribbon roses, but better than ribbon because it sticks to itself, so it keeps it's shape. I then ended up giving them a wash of color. I needed this color for a project I am working on or I would have tried rolling them in glitter.


What to do on a rainy day?

It is raining and I am sitting here at the computer finding all kinds of cool things. I thought this was interesting and really pretty accurate


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Tussy Mussy

I was reading one of my favorite blogs and inspiration hit. I had to make a tussy mussy. It is funny how something will hit you and you know exactly how you will make it. I wanted to make it out of wire and Victorian in style. I will be making more of these. I can take everything out and add a little glass bottle and add fresh flowers or silk. I just love it!

I made the eggs last year.

I hope you all have a very Happy Easter! My Birthday is tomorrow also, so I am off to bake a cake for myself. I don't really need that cake, but I am going to make it anyway. My Mom always made it for me and I am just so hungry for it I can taste it. I found her recipe. Coconut Cake. This coconut cake is a little different. The coconut and sugar are cooked together and it makes a syrup, You drizzle this over the cake and it sinks in making the most moist cake you have ever tasted. My DH does not like coconut, but he does like this cake. I will post the recipe on my next post.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

This morning I woke up thinking about Jesus, so I set out in search of artists who have painted Him. All I can say is, wow! But one artist stood out for me and his name was Warner Sallman. This one of Jesus would be on my top ten list of modern paintings. In my search I discovered that this picture of Jesus head is one of the most popular artworks of all time.
I love all of these!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Victorian Ladies

I am just so excited with my junking find this weekend. It seems like I have seen these before in my childhood, but I just can't seem to place where. I love all things Victorian. I have been a little lazy this week, so I am just going with it. As much as I love creating it can be exhausting. I have been rearranging things in the studio and doing a little spring cleaning.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Abstract Painting

I am heading out to do a little junking today. My other favorite thing to do. I am still working on my painting. I am hoping to achieve a very lacy effect in the end. If not on this one maybe the next. I also want to thank you all for your comments and I want to tell each one of you how much you inspire me. I have not had much in the way of support or positive encouragement and sometimes it is hard for me to know what to say, but I do thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all have a great weekend. I am going to try and have a little fun and I hope you do to. I think sometimes we work too hard. Not only are we all working on art, now we have to learn the computer, learn to network, photography and that darn printer! :)


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In The Studio

Since last week I decided to put down the clay and pick up the paint brush. I have a number of paintings in the works. I do it this way because it gives me a chance to see what needs to be changed. Sometimes I may paint a face three time before I decide it is ok. I am also working on some jewelry, but I am not happy enough with it to share yet. I took one of my dolls that was made of paper clay and sanded the face completely off. It was hard for me to do that because she has so much embellishment going on, but her face just didn't work for me. That is what makes paper clay so great. I also painted a mermaid on muslin. This will be a textile collage. The fairy with the roses is going to be very embellished. A dimensional piece. I hope everyone is having a creative week.